Network Stats Explorer
Entice users by driving transparency into your network’s performance
Launch your own Blockchain network stats explorer with our white label network stats, an EVM-compatible, ready-to-deploy network explorer that displays network performance metrics for speed, efficiency, security, and node activities.
Launch Your Own Network Performance Monitor with Network Stats
Network Stats is a white label, low-time-to-market, go-to solution for launching your own blockchain network stats explorer. Network Stats Explorer drives transparency to your network’s performance by displaying real-time statistics about node activities and performance metrics like efficiency, security, and speed. It runs a blockchain crawler anchored to a node discovery protocol to query the nodes on your network, collect and aggregate data, and then display them through a node explorer user interface.
How Does Network Stats Help?
Network performance insights over a unified dashboard.
Real-time representation of network’s performance – Speed, Security, and Efficiency.
Tabular representation of node activities with ‘search’ and ‘pin’ functionality.
Key Features of Our White Label Network Stats
Node Statistics
Performance Metrics
Node Activity Table
Device Agnostic
EVM Compatible
Blockchain Support
Screens Description
Node Statistics
Visually represents the network decentralization by geo-locating the active nodes countrywide over a world map. Highlights the count for active nodes, node hosting countries and nodes created in the previous seven days.
Speed Information
Provides a quick snapshot of network’s speed information by specifying no. of blocks created on the network, the average block creation time, and the time when the latest block was created.
Node Table
Request a Demo
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All information will be kept confidential.
Web3 in Gaming and How it Revolutionizes the Gaming Industry
The core idea of web3 in gaming is decentralization. By incorporating blockchain technology, web3 games are all set to redefine gaming.
Play-to-earn games: Where gaming meets finance
Play-to-earn games are decentralized games that allow players to earn rewards like cryptocurrencies and NFTs by completing tasks, combating other players, and progressing through different game levels.
How to launch and run a gaming node?
Blockchain gaming is the buzz these days and game nodes incentivize users to contribute resources for optimal performance. Know how to launch and run a gaming node.