Hyperledger Sawtooth Development
Build and Deploy Distributed Ledgers

Deploy Secure and Permissioned Blockchain Solutions on Hyperledger Sawtooth
By combining our technology expertise with your ideas, we always strive to build enterprise-grade solutions. After adopting blockchain in early 2017, we have successfully worked on 10 Hyperledger Sawtooth Development Projects.
Build a Scalable and Robust System With Hyperledger Sawtooth
Sawtooth supports separate permissioning, i.e there is no centralized service which can reveal the confidential information.
Parallel Transaction Processing
Our Hyperledger Sawtooth Development Experts have deployed solutions with 10k hyperledger transactions per second per node with Parallel transaction processing.
Ethereum Contract Compatibility
Sawtooth has an integration project with Ethereum, Seth which helps in deploying the EVM smart contracts.
Multi-language SDK support
It allows the development of blockchain application by separating the core system from the application domain which makes it multilanguage SDK supported.
Dynamic Consensus
Only Hyperledger Sawtooth gives you the choice to change the consensus after the blockchain network has been created. The hyperledger consensus algorithm can be changed on a running blockchain with a transaction or two.
Components of Sawtooth Network
The hyperledger sawtooth node is a participant in sawtooth network. With its rest API, validator and the consensus engine, sawtooth nodes hold responsibility for changing the state of the blockchain.
Rest API
Rest API is the medium for the interaction of the client with the validator. Sawtooth has a pragmatic RESTful API which provides language independence interface for submitting transactions and reading blocks.
It validates all the transaction, communicates between the client and the other validators, and the transaction processors.
Transaction Processor
They are smart contracts which act as the administrative head for the data. By controlling all the business logic and validations, it submits the transactions with some payload.
Consensus Engine
Consensus Engine enables more consensus options for Sawtooth node to executes all the transactions within the smart contracts.
Hyperledger Sawtooth Transaction Families
Integer Key
Tests deployed ledgers on the sawtooth
Responsible for storing on-chain configuration settings
Holds on-chain permissioning of public keys to streamline managing identities for transactor and validator.
Hyperledger Sawtooth Consensus Algorithms
What is Sawtooth PoET?
Sawtooth Proof of Elapsed Time selects peers with the smallest sample rate. Using a trusted execution environment, identity verification and blacklisting based on asymmetric key cryptography, and an additional set of election policies collision is prevented.
What is Sawtooth PBFT?
What is Sawtooth Raft?
Sawtooth Raft is a leader-based consensus algorithm provides crash fault tolerance for a small network with restricted membership.
Only an Experienced Blockchain Consultant Will Guide You Through Your Use Case With Hyperledger Sawtooth.
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Do you Know?
What is Hyperledger Sawtooth?
Hyperledger Sawtooth is an enterprise modular blockchain platform which has been designed to develop distributed ledger applications and networks. It allows Hyperledger blockchain developers to specify required business rules for the application using any programming language without requiring to understand the underlying design of the core system.
What is Hyperledger Fabric?
Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned distributed ledger framework for enterprises that allow developers to build blockchain-based applications and solutions. With its modularity, Fabric can cater to a wide range of industry use cases. It provides a unique approach to consensus algorithm that enhances performance at scale while maintaining privacy.
What is the difference between Hyperledger Sawtooth and Fabric?
Hyperledger Sawtooth blockchain supports both public and permissioned blockchain implementation, while Hyperledger Fabric only provides permissioned blockchain implementation.
Hyperledger Sawtooth uses the Proof of Elapsed Time mechanism; on the other hand, Hyperledger Fabric uses the Kafka consensus algorithm. Unlike Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth supports Seth project, which means Ethereum based smart contracts can be migrated to the Sawtooth platform seamlessly.
In a Hyperledger Sawtooth platform, either all the transactions are processed simultaneously or not at all processed. On the other hand, transactions are executed in batches of Kafka blocks in a Hyperledger Fabric platform.
What is the most common consensus algorithm for Hyperledger Sawtooth?
PBFT and PoET are two most common consensus algorithms supported by the Hyperledger Sawtooth platform.
It is a leader-based Hyperledger consensus mechanism which is non-forking and offers Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). Since this algorithm is ideal for smaller consortium networks, it does not need open membership. - PoET:
PoET stands for Proof of Elapsed Time. It supports large distributed validator networks with the least resource consumption. You don’t need hardware to run PoET or Sawtooth.
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