What is Web3 Gaming
Web3 gaming is the process of decentralized gaming based on technologies like blockchain, metaverse and DAO, where the players have complete ownership of in-game assets.
Web3 gaming is the process of decentralized gaming based on technologies like blockchain, metaverse and DAO, where the players have complete ownership of in-game assets.
Metaverse is a concept of 3D immersive digital world, powered by blockchain, IoT, AR, & VR, essential for creating realistic experiences on virtual ecosystems.
A great way to understand the metaverse is by understanding the seven layers that make it up. Every layer is important and represents a key aspect of the metaverse.
Solana is one of the fastest blockchains for a smooth dApp development with features like minimum gas fee and cross-chain dApp hosting.
Learn how to build a metaverse dApp with Unity, referring to a sample dApp featuring a 3D world into which users can log in as an Avatar simply by using the QR code option in a Web3 wallet.
Solana features the revolutionary PoH consensus model that speeds up transactions. The network is designed to host decentralized and scalable applications like NFT marketplaces.