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AI Product Development Company

Our team of experienced AI engineers and developers are experts in creating innovative AI-driven products that transform operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth. With our deep expertise in machine learning, deep learning, generative AI, data engineering, and more, we develop AI products that help organizations across various industries achieve their strategic goals.

AI Product Development Company
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AI Developers

Software Products Delivered

AI Solutions

Total Years of Experience

Enterprise AI Development Services We Offer

AI Product Consulting

AI Product Consulting

Our AI product consulting services are aimed at guiding organizations through the complexities of AI adoption. From identifying viable AI opportunities to creating robust implementation strategies, we provide expert insights and recommendations to help businesses leverage AI effectively for strategic advantage and business growth.
AI Product Design

AI Product Design

Our AI product design services focus on creating intuitive, user-centric solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing systems. We begin with comprehensive user research to understand your target audience’s needs and pain points. We prioritize aesthetics and functionality, leveraging the latest AI advancements to craft visually appealing and highly efficient products
PoC and MVP Development

PoC and MVP Development

Accelerate your AI journey with our Proof of Concept (PoC) and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development services. Validate your ideas and demonstrate feasibility with a robust PoC. Quickly bring your AI vision to life with an MVP that showcases core functionalities, enabling you to gather feedback, attract investors, and refine your product for market success.
AI Product Development

AI Product Development

We specialize in developing AI products that leverage ML, natural language processing, computer vision and other AI technologies to meet your business needs. Our seasoned team of AI engineers and developers is adept at conceptualizing, designing, and deploying advanced AI solutions that enhance operational efficiency and drive business growth.
QA Testing

QA Testing

We employ rigorous testing methodologies, including functionality, performance, and user acceptance testing, to identify and resolve any issues and ensure that your AI products meet the highest quality standards. Our team uses advanced tools and techniques to provide thorough and efficient QA testing, guaranteeing reliable product performance.
AI Integration and Augmentation

AI Integration and Augmentation

We excel at seamlessly integrating AI capabilities into existing systems and processes, empowering businesses to harness artificial intelligence’s full potential. Whether enhancing customer interactions, automating workflows, or optimizing data analytics, our AI integration services are designed to elevate your business to the next level.

Our Areas of Expertise

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine Learning (ML)

We excel in machine learning product development, building solutions that accurately predict outcomes and evolve through progressive learning algorithms. Our ML expertise enables businesses to derive meaningful insights from large datasets and optimize decision-making processes across various industry sectors.
Generative AI

Generative AI

We excel in building GenAI products that create new content, designs, and simulations, offering businesses a way to innovate faster and meet market demands more effectively. Our generative AI solutions are built to generate high-quality results that can transform creative processes and operational efficiencies.
Data Engineering

Data Engineering

Our data engineering expertise ensures the efficient handling and transformation of large datasets to support AI and machine learning projects. We leverage advanced techniques for data wrangling, pipeline development, and cloud storage to prepare your data for success in the AI landscape.
Deep Learning

Deep Learning

Specializing in deep learning, we develop systems that mimic the human brain functions to process data and recognize patterns for decision-making. Our deep learning solutions are particularly effective in handling complex tasks such as image and speech recognition, significantly enhancing product capabilities and user experiences.
Computer Vision

Computer Vision

We excel in computer vision technologies, which automate the analysis of images and videos for tasks like object detection, facial recognition, and quality control. Our developer’s computer vision expertise helps you automate visual inspections, enhance security measures, or create personalized user experiences across industries.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Our team develops NLP systems, like chatbots, that understand and process human language. We can help your AI product interpret user queries, generate human-like text, analyze sentiments, translate content and even summarize vast amounts of information. This empowers you to create intelligent interfaces, personalize user experiences, and extract valuable insights from your data.

AI Products We Develop

Smart AI Assistants & Chatbots

Smart AI Assistants & Chatbots

We build AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots that can automate customer service interactions, personalize user experiences, and provide 24/7 intelligent support.
Sentiment Analysis Tools

Sentiment Analysis Tools

Our sentiment analysis tools are designed to analyze customer feedback. Understand emotions, gauge opinions, and enhance customer experience by leveraging real-time insights from textual data.
Predictive Analytics Tools

Predictive Analytics Tools

Our data scientists create custom machine learning systems to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and make accurate predictions to inform better decision-making.
Image Recognition Systems

Image Recognition Systems

We develop image recognition systems using computer vision to extract valuable insights from images and videos. These systems can be used for product inspection, anomaly detection, facial recognition, and content moderation.
Recommendation Systems

Recommendation Systems

Our custom recommendation systems help boost engagement and sales. They analyze user behavior to deliver tailored suggestions, improving customer satisfaction and driving business growth.
Data Visualization and Reporting Tools

Data Visualization and Reporting Tools

Our data visualization and reporting tools transform complex data into actionable insights. They help make informed decisions through intuitive, visually compelling dashboards and comprehensive reports.
Risk Assessment Tools

Risk Assessment Tools

Our advanced risk assessment tools are designed to mitigate potential threats. They evaluate risks accurately, enabling proactive decision-making and ensuring your business’s security and stability.
Fraud Detection Tools

Fraud Detection Tools

Protect your business with our AI-powered fraud detection tools. Continuously monitor transactions, detect anomalies, and prevent fraudulent activities in real time, ensuring robust security.
Research Solutions

Research Solutions

Our AI-driven research solutions help analyze vast datasets, uncover patterns, and derive meaningful insights to support cutting-edge research and development initiatives.
AI AgentsCopilots

AI Agents/Copilots

Enhance productivity with our intelligent AI agents and copilots. Automate routine tasks, provide intelligent assistance and streamline workflows to empower your team and drive efficiency.

Industries We Serve



We transform healthcare operations with AI-driven solutions that streamline tasks like predictive analytics, remote patient monitoring, and medical imaging analysis. Our innovative applications enhance patient care, optimize clinical workflows, and drive operational efficiencies in healthcare organizations.
Finance and Banking

Finance and Banking

We build AI-powered tools for tasks like fraud detection, risk management, customer segmentation, and personalized banking services. Our AI solutions drive digital transformation, improve decision-making processes, and enhance customer experiences in the finance sector.
Retail and E-commerce

Retail and E-commerce

Our developers create AI solutions to streamline tasks such as demand forecasting, customer behavior analysis, personalized recommendations, supply chain optimization, and visual search capabilities. These AI solutions boost sales, optimize operations, and deliver personalized shopping experiences for customers.


We drive Industry 4.0 initiatives by deploying AI applications for predictive maintenance, quality control, supply chain optimization, and more. Our AI solutions help manufacturers improve productivity, reduce downtime, and achieve operational excellence in today’s competitive landscape.


We develop AI-powered solutions to improve network optimization, predict customer churn, and provide predictive analytics for service maintenance. These solutions include virtual customer assistants that elevate customer satisfaction, enhance efficiency, and boost network performance.
Transportation and Logistics

Transportation and Logistics

We optimize transportation and logistics operations using AI-driven products for route optimization, predictive maintenance, real-time fleet management, and supply chain visibility. These AI applications increase operational efficiency, lower costs, and improve delivery accuracy for logistics providers.
Media and Entertainment

Media and Entertainment

We transform media and entertainment industries with AI products that facilitate content recommendations, personalized marketing campaigns, content moderation, and video analytics. These AI services boost content discovery, audience engagement, and monetization strategies for media companies.


Our AI products streamline legal processes, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Document automation reduces drafting time and errors, while AI-driven legal research accelerates information retrieval from vast legal texts. Contract analysis tools ensure compliance and identify risks quickly. All these solutions enable legal professionals to focus on strategic tasks, improving client services and outcomes.

AI Models We Have Expertise In


Our Artificial Intelligence Portfolio

Machinery Trouble shooting using AI
AI-powered App

LLM-powered Application for Safer Machinery Troubleshooting

LeewayHertz collaborated with a top-tier Fortune 500 manufacturing company to develop an innovative LLM-powered machinery troubleshooting application. This innovative solution streamlines machinery maintenance, elevates safety protocol adherence and mitigates operational risks of the firm. By seamlessly integrating static machinery data and dynamic safety policies, the application provides quick access to relevant information for troubleshooting issues while also enhancing safety with clear and detailed instructions on equipment handling.

Generative AI Application

Generative AI Application

LLM-powered App for Compliance and Security Access

LeewayHertz has partnered with Scrut to engineer an LLM-powered app designed to streamline access to compliance benchmarks, frameworks, and audit-relevant data for Scrut’s clientele. Drawing on Scrut’s proprietary data, our team utilized advanced embedding and prompt engineering techniques to seamlessly incorporate an LLM, yielding rapid query responses and upgraded user experiences. This initiative has equipped Scrut’s clients with a robust tool, fostering informed decision-making and providing clear insight into industry benchmarks as well as Scrut’s risk monitoring and mitigation strategies and services.
Generative AI Application
Geospatial Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Geospatial Data Analysis

A US-based geospatial intelligence and analytics firm sought LeewayHertz’s expertise to tackle a complex dataset with limited identifiers, aiming to derive valuable insights, identify patterns, spot unusual movements, and ensure data security. Our solution involved deploying a sophisticated data analysis pipeline, encompassing timestamp conversion, geocoding for contextual enrichment, clustering for pattern recognition, correlation analysis, and anomaly detection. Beyond unveiling intricate location-based patterns, our approach prioritized robust data security, resulting in the delivery of actionable intelligence that precisely met our client’s objectives.
GenAI-based Clinical Decision Support System

Generative AI Solution

GenAI-based Clinical Decision Support System

A GenAI-based clinical decision support system tailored for an esteemed healthcare organization that analyzes diverse patient data using advanced algorithms and NLP to provide healthcare professionals with swift and accurate disease diagnoses. The platform’s user-friendly interface optimizes the diagnostic workflow, offering evidence-driven insights and comprehensive reports that include discussions, testing guidance, therapy recommendations, specialist referrals, and patient education. This solution ultimately elevates patient care through the seamless integration of generative AI, fostering efficiency, precision, and innovation in healthcare delivery.
GenAI-based Clinical Decision Support System

Big Brands Trust Us


As Mentioned in


Our Engagement Models

Digital Transformation Services LeewayHertz

Dedicated Development Team

Our developers leverage cutting-edge cognitive technologies to deliver high-quality services and tailored solutions to our clients.

Dedicated software development team LeewayHertz

Team Extension

Our team extension model is designed to assist clients seeking to expand their teams with the precise expertise needed for their projects.

Dedicated software development team LeewayHertz

Project-based Model

Our project-oriented approach, supported by our team of software development specialists, is dedicated to fostering client collaboration and achieving specific project objectives.

Get Started Today

1. Contact Us

Fill out the contact form protected by NDA, book a calendar and schedule a Zoom Meeting with our experts.

2. Get a Consultation

Get on a call with our team to know the feasibility of your project idea.

3. Get a Cost Estimate

Based on the project requirements, we share a project proposal with budget and timeline estimates.

4. Project Kickoff

Once the project is signed, we bring together a team from a range of disciplines to kick start your project.

Start a conversation by filling the form

Once you let us know your requirement, our technical expert will schedule a call and discuss your idea in detail post sign of an NDA.
All information will be kept confidential.


How can AI product development benefit my business?

AI product development can transform your business by automating repetitive tasks, enhancing decision-making with predictive analytics, improving customer interactions through chatbots, and optimizing processes for increased efficiency and cost savings.

Can you develop custom AI solutions tailored to my business needs?

Yes, we offer custom AI development services tailored to specific business requirements. Whether you need a smart AI assistant, predictive analytics tool, computer vision solution, or NLP-based application, we can build a tailored AI product that aligns with your business goals.

What is the typical development process for an AI product at LeewayHertz?

We follow a collaborative approach, working closely with clients through the entire AI product development lifecycle. This typically involves phases like concept definition, data acquisition and preparation, model selection and fine-tuning, integration and testing, and deployment with ongoing maintenance.

How long does it take to develop an AI product?

Development timelines may fluctuate based on project complexity, data volume, and desired accuracy levels. During the initial project scoping phase, we will provide a comprehensive timeline tailored to your specific needs and objectives.

What are the costs associated with AI product development?

The cost of AI product development depends on various factors, such as project complexity, chosen technologies, and data requirements. We offer flexible engagement models to suit your budget and project needs.
